Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Unfitness Kickboxing

(7/28/09 6:00pm) Fitness Kickboxing

Unlike the hot box of last week, the ac was on and so was I….at least for a few minutes. Right off the bat I was feeling good. Fast and strong. But when I began to taper off, the curve was dramatic. I felt at times like my lungs were the size of thimbles and my muscles were made of play dough. I completed the class but I made some observations that I will follow in the future. Some of these are pretty simple and mockable so have fun:

  • Get hydrated beforehand and get hydrated all day
  • Do Not eat the Super Nachos from Chronic Taco at any time before heading to the gym
  • Do not over caffeinate before a work-out. For me the two DO NOT mix.
At least I learned something and got in a killer work-out. More to come.

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